Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's going on???

Well I am sure so many of you are wondering what in the world is going on with the Sudduths and their new house. I am so sorry for not stopping and updating this sooner, but it has been, well, an interesting past few months. We have come through it and feel we are on the other side of the story now, so I can reflect for a few minutes and explain a little.

Well about 2 months ago, I think maybe 3 weeks prior to our closing on the new house, the building pretty much came to a halt. This went on for a few days and we began to ask questions. No one would give us a direct answer, so we started to do some research (the banker, the neighbors, our friends that bought another house in another subdivision by the same builder) and found out that they were in financial trouble. Our soon to be neighbor's home and our friends house all had leans placed on them, not just 1 but up to 6. As well as all building in all of their neighborhoods had come to a stop. This drew some serious concern but no one at the corporate office would give us any answers, they pretty much just ignored us. Well a week or so went by and we realized there was no way they were going to meet our closing date. At that time they contacted us and verbally told us they were going to have to push our closing date almost 2 months up! Since we had the original closing date in writing we fine combed the contract and found we had some leverage. So, we contacted a real-estate lawyer and discovered we could send what is called a Cure Letter on the day of our original closing. It stated that they then had 15 days to finish or we could op out at that time and get our escrow back. We thought it would go one of 2 ways, either they could make it or they wouldn't and possibly give us some kind of compensation or discount of some sort. Neither of the two happened and I am sorry to say we have lost a lot of respect for the company and the unprofessionalism that came forth in this situation has really frustrated us the most. Needless to say we struggled very hard with the next decision as I am sure you can imagine after 4 months of watching a home be built. After much prayer we walked away from it. The amazing thing is we watched God have a hand in it and I truly believe he was protecting us.

With that said we have since been in contact with the owner of the house we have been renting and he has been very motivated to sell this house. We are happy to say we have put forth the first paperwork to purchase and feel that this is where God wants us to be. The biggest struggle we had with moving to the new house was leaving this side of town as well as the community we have developed with our neighbors. Never have we in all the places we have lived around the world felt so loved and known so many people in one neighborhood. We have so much in common with them that we not only call them neighbors, but true friends. We are excited to make it our home now, it has a bit of work to do; paint, carpet, counter tops, but we have a peace and we feel like for this area it is a steal! Thanks for watching this journey in our lives and we will try to get some before and after shots of the house as we progress down this path!